Free from Dangerous Stress
Free from dangerous stress by Ingrid Fredriksson teaches us mind over matter and illuminates just how truly powerful keys to finding inner strength and balance through meditation, she shares a rewarding lesson on how to make the most of your imagination.
Independent of religious affiliations, she shares a message that transcends traditional meditation and blends the concept of creative intelligence, the cornerstone to all sorts of meditative approaches, and teaches us to harness our own creative energies.
Deeply affecting, this self-help guide to a healthy mind, a healthy spirit, and a healthy life.isse bibendum. Cras id urna. Morbi tincidunt, orci ac convallis aliquam, lectus turpis varius lorem, eu posuere nunc justo tempus leo. Donec mattis, purus nec placerat bibendum, dui pede condimentum odio, ac blandit ante orci ut diam.
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